BOOK ART 1990 - 2004

Hair Book puts the stuff back on women’s bodies where male artists have removed it. High/Low is covered in red kid leather which has been torn and stitched together. Inside, art images are laid side-by-side with pornographic images. Same Story juxtaposes text from the Bible, a “slasher novel,” and newspaper items with images from art history.  Should we be surprised that they all tell the same story? The Joke Book (Sex, Lies and Comic Strips) places cartoons of women abusing men next to news articles describing the opposite reality. The cover has a laugh box that is triggered with the weight of the pages being turned. Men to Avoid has a cover embellished with shards of broken auto glass that sparkles invitingly. Knowing as she did from first-hand experience how often women are blind to the faults of men, this book hopes to enlighten women with xeroxed images of women-haters such as OJ Simpson, the Pope, anti-choice men, gun-toting men and other scary beasts. (all books ©1992) 

The Belly Book (©1993) is fronted with a latex cast of my her stomach.  Inside are xeroxed photos of her women friend’s stomachs, full and sensuous and beautiful.

The Good Book (©1990) is a bible which she highlighted cover to cover for violence and misogyny. Only two pages in the whole book have no highlighting.

Testimony from the Wailing Wall (©1991, 1993) contains personal testimony from average women, about the abuse they have suffered in their lives as women in a patriarchal society. Every single woman has a story.

250 Words for Women (©1994) contains definitions of women collected from the dictionary.  Did you know there were 250 words to describe women as prostitutes, loose, sluts, lazy, ugly, & old, gold diggers and shrews?

Finally, The Big Book of Bombast (©2004) chronicles, in 285 pages using xeroxed newspaper headlines, the maniacal push for war by the Bush administration.